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RISE Foundation supported by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Indonesia is committed to encouraging inclusive and meaningful youth participation in the fulfilment of the right to nutrition information and access to healthier, safer, affordable, responsible and less wasteful food for adolescents in Indonesia.

This commitment is realised through the Youth Nutritative (Nutrition Innovative) batch II initiative. Youth Nutritiative II is a continuation of the previous Youth Nutritiative programme which focused on issues such as healthier food choices, food labelling, food categorisation, and accessibility.

The programme is implemented from August to December 2024 by involving youth organisations from various backgrounds and issue focuses to collaborate in creating an ecosystem that supports the right to nutrition information, and access to healthy and sustainable food.

Through Youth Nutritiative II, participating youth organisations can contribute to changes in consumption behaviour by promoting healthy, nutritious and safe food, as well as innovating affordable food access and reducing food waste to build a more sustainable and equitable food system for all.

In addition, the organisations involved can become pioneers in their respective regions to raise awareness on food issues and conduct advocacy and campaigns on the highlighted topics.

A total of 15 youth-led organisations have been involved in the implementation of the Youth Nutritiative II programme. Below are the 15 Youth Nutritiative II partner organisations and their regional distribution:

  1. Koperasi Sobat Petani Lestari (MILFA) (Bandung Regency)
  2. PILAR PKBI Central Java (Semarang)
  3. Flores Bumi Lestari Foundation (Ende)
  4. PKBI East Java (Surabaya)
  5. Independent Youth Forum Papua (Papua)
  6. IPM Jember (Jember)
  7. BeWithYou Indonesia (DKI Jakarta)
  8. Kisara PKBI Bali (Bali)
  9. Yayasan Galang Anak Semesta (Gagas Mataram) (Mataram)
  10. Celebes Bergerak (Palu)
  11. IPM Padang (Padang)
  12. Transformasi Anak Muda Celebes (TAMC) (Makassar)
  13. PMI Gondanglegi (Malang Regency)
  14. Rumah Baca Jambi Kota Seberang (Jambi)
  15. Tajuk Kalimantan Lestari (Kalimantan)

The 15 selected organisations received capacity building and mentoring from RISE Foundation and GAIN Indonesia during their involvement in Youth Nutritiative II activities. The partner organisations also learned more about the issue of fulfilling the right to nutrition information and accessing healthier, safer, affordable, responsible, and less wasteful food.

The series of processes from Youth Nutritiative II activities consist of Call for Proposals, Pitching, Bootcamp, Documentation Training, Health Heroes Module Training, Technical Assistance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Sharing and Learning, and Closing the Youth Nutritiative II Programme.

The success of the Youth Nutritiative II programme that has been achieved by 15 organisations is the implementation of 86 actions implemented by 15 organisations in their respective regions, the production of 18 advocacy materials (6 commitment sheets, 1 policy brief, 7 minutes of hearings with stakeholders, 3 recommendation sheets, and 1 local food literacy book). A

total of 5,224 adolescents and young people were involved in the youth action, with the following distribution: 10-24 years old (female 2,594; male 1,711), >24 years old (female 494; male 298), disability (female 55; male 72). In the process, the beneficiaries gained increased knowledge on healthy, safe, responsible and non-wasteful food information.

Beneficiaries also gained hands-on experience to be able to practice how to check food labels, manage food waste, and process local food. Furthermore, there are 50 action plans from 15 organisations to integrate food and nutrition issues.

There were 10 posts on RISE Foundation Instagram (account reach: 45,763, viewed: 224,853), 10 posts on Health Heroes Indonesia Instagram (account reach: 49,743, viewed: 182,200), and 28 articles from 3 organisations on Health Heroes Indonesia website with a reach of 15,830.

Thus, this programme has been successfully implemented and has had a good impact, especially on adolescents, in their respective regions related to the issue of fulfilling the right to nutrition information and access to healthier, safer, affordable, responsible, and less wasteful food.

The collaboration that has been built between organisations and beneficiaries (youth, agencies, and government) is a good opportunity that can be continued by each organisation in voicing food and nutrition issues.

The great hope of RISE Foundation and GAIN Indonesia is that the 15 partner organisations still have the spirit and desire to continue the good actions they have taken in the Youth Nutritiative II activities. 15 organisations can continue to make food and nutrition issues an important issue within the organisation



Kick Off the 2nd Year of KOPAJA

On the first day of the activity, the agenda began with remarks from RISE Foundation representatives and the reading and signing of the cooperation contract. The main session discussed reflections on the implementation of the Urban Futures 2024 programme, with discussions on obstacles, lessons learned, and improvements that need to be made in 2025. One of the major changes is the adjustment of the cooperation model with CAI organisations, where in the future, KOPAJA will no longer refer to one particular organisation in involving inclusivity. This change aims to open up wider collaboration opportunities with various other inclusion organisations.

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RISE Foundation supported by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Indonesia is committed to encouraging inclusive and meaningful youth participation in the fulfilment of the right to nutrition information and access to healthier, safer, affordable, responsible and less wasteful food for adolescents in Indonesia.
This commitment is realised through the Youth Nutritative (Nutrition Innovative) batch II initiative. Youth Nutritiative II is a continuation of the previous Youth Nutritiative programme which focused on issues such as healthier food choices, food labelling, food categorisation, and accessibility.

The programme is implemented from August to December 2024 by involving youth organisations from various backgrounds and issue focuses to collaborate in creating an ecosystem that supports the right to nutrition information, and access to healthy and sustainable food.

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