RISETalk #44: Turning Insecure Into Gratitude (Loving Yourself)

Hello, Sobat Remaja!

In this episode of RISETalk, we will be accompanied by Ms. Putri Khatulistiwa. Kak Putri is an activist who focuses on gender issues, child reproductive health, and tackling sexual violence.

Now, we’re talking about feeling insecure. What’s it like to feel insecure and how can you get past those feelings?

We all know what it means to feel insecure. Taken literally, insecurity means feeling unsure of oneself

Typically, feeling insecure means you’re anxious, doubtful, and not very confident, which makes you feel uneasy. Kak Putri mentioned that there are several reasons why people might feel insecure. For instance, feeling self-conscious about their body shape or feeling less accomplished due to wealth or achievement. Everyone, regardless of age, sometimes feels insecure, and that’s totally normal. But if we let this feeling linger too long, it can have a negative impact on us. Along with the popularity of social media, which is highly valued by young people these days. With social media around, it feels like we’re drowned in information.

Anyone around the world can share what’s happening with them. It is also possible for us to observe the accomplishments, wealth, and even beauty of others. This creates an indirect tendency to compare one’s own qualities with what others showcase on social media. This is the source of feeling insecure. Kak Putri believes that a sense of insecurity will always be there. By being open to self-acceptance and altering our mindset, these emotions can become a positive driving force for us.

How to Turn the Feeling of Insecurity into Gratitude?

First off, it’s important to understand that we really are made differently from everyone else. Even twins who come from the same womb and grow up in the same environment can still have a lot of differences.

Second, know your body’s rights. Our body deserves to eat healthy and nutritious food, along with getting proper care and staying clean. Sure, beauty matters, but staying healthy is even more important. Beauty standards like glowing skin, flawless faces without acne, and a sharp nose are actually marketing traps set by beauty product companies. We can be beautiful or handsome in our own unique way. We’re the only version of ourselves in this world. Why should we envy others and try to imitate them when we’ve already become the original version?

Kak Putri stated that people remember us for our uniqueness. Being unique doesn’t equate to being handsome or beautiful. Being unique means being true to ourselves. ”For instance, people remember me due to my consistently short hairstyle. In 2014, I adored the kebaya. I wear a kebaya everywhere, often pairing it with other clothes. And that becomes my identity; my personal brand. Therefore, don’t let your clothes make you feel inferior.”

Turns out, that insecurity isn’t always negative if we can learn to manage these feelings. Unaddressed insecurities can lead to jealousy and resentment towards people who have certain advantages. These feelings will eventually affect our mental health. Having excessively high expectations and being overconfident can also lead to feelings of insecurity. Hence, we must fully recognize that this world was created with all its diversity. Humans are designed with differences to celebrate their uniqueness, not to feel inferior.

Remember that we each possess distinct privileges. Differences in privilege will lead to different situations. If you still feel insecure around others, try to recall what you have and what you don’t have. We can only sign up for reasonably priced language classes, even though some people may easily afford pricey English courses. Lacking a high level of education, wealth, or an attractive appearance does not make us inferior to others.

Kak Putri concluded by sending a message to every Sobat Remaja. ”The only one who can love us is us. We cannot always rely on others. We are the only ones who have a right over ourselves. Do not give others the rights to ourselves. Do not expect others to always love and appreciate us.”



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