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Youth Nutritiative 2 Bootcamp: Encouraging Youth Initiatives for Sustainable Food Action

Youth Nutritiative 2 Bootcamp

Youth Nutritiative Bootcamp, organised by RISE Foundation and GAIN Indonesia, is a capacity building programme for 15 youth organisations that were selected through a call for proposals in July 2024. The Youth Nutritiative Bootcamp was held for 4 days on 31 August – 3 September 2024 at Swiss-Belresidences Kalibata and Aone Hotel Meeting Room. This bootcamp activity was implemented with 2 series of activities, including a bootcamp to deepen participants’ understanding as well as pitching and show cases in front of expert panellists. The Youth Nutritiative Bootcamp was attended by 15 youth organisations from all over Indonesia, such as the Sobat Petani Lestari Consumer Cooperative (MILFA), Celebes Bergerak, Yayasan Flores Bumi Lestari, Kisara PKBI Bali, Independent Youth Forum Papua, Be with You Indonesia, Pilar PKBI Central Java, Gagas Mataram, IPM Jember, PKBI East Java, PMI Kecamatan Gondanglegi, Yayasan Transformasi Anak Muda Celebes, Rumah Baca Jambi Kota Seberang, IPM Padang, and Yayasan Tajuk Kalimantan Lestari.

On the first two days, participants deepened their understanding of the food system, responsible eating behaviour, and the Right to Food and Nutrition (HAPG). Participants from 15 organisations attended various sessions that discussed the importance of access to healthy, safe and affordable food for the community. In some sessions, participants were divided into groups to discuss case studies given by resource persons and accompanied by Health Heroes Facilitator friends. Furthermore, representatives of each group will present the results of the discussion. In addition, participants were encouraged to develop innovative ideas that could be implemented in real action. Each organisation was given the opportunity to make a short presentation of their ideas to the facilitators from RISE and GAIN so that before the pitching activity with the expert panelists, participants had received feedback on improvements.

On the third and fourth day, there were pitching and show case sessions where 15 selected organisations presented their ideas in front of expert panelists, government representatives, and national stakeholders. The panellists who judged the presentations were from the Ministry of Health, Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture, BPOM, National Food Agency, HIVoS, Pamflet, Indorelawan, and Superindo. The panellists provided valuable feedback to strengthen the ideas presented, as well as guidance for more effective implementation in the field. Furthermore, from the pitching session, 5 organisations with the best ideas were selected to be awarded which aims to give appreciation to the 5 Best Youth and Young People Organisations for Innovation Ideas and Action Strategies towards fulfilling the right to access healthy, safe, affordable and non-wasteful food. The final assessment of the pitching session and show case will determine the 5 best organisations namely PKBI Bali, Independent Youth Forum Papua, IPM Padang, Flores Bumi Lestari, and Be with You.

The role of young people is very important in facing the challenges of the food system in Indonesia. Through the Youth Nutritiative Bootcamp, the participants have shown their creativity and commitment in creating innovative ideas that can improve access and information about healthy, safe and affordable food. The importance of young people’s role in food issues is not only limited to ideas, but also to real action in the field. The hope is that the ideas generated from this bootcamp can be implemented sustainably with the support of various parties, including the government and stakeholders. With strong collaboration, these steps are expected to create positive changes for Indonesia’s food system and encourage more responsible eating behaviour among the public, especially young people.



Kick Off the 2nd Year of KOPAJA

On the first day of the activity, the agenda began with remarks from RISE Foundation representatives and the reading and signing of the cooperation contract. The main session discussed reflections on the implementation of the Urban Futures 2024 programme, with discussions on obstacles, lessons learned, and improvements that need to be made in 2025. One of the major changes is the adjustment of the cooperation model with CAI organisations, where in the future, KOPAJA will no longer refer to one particular organisation in involving inclusivity. This change aims to open up wider collaboration opportunities with various other inclusion organisations.

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RISE Foundation supported by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Indonesia is committed to encouraging inclusive and meaningful youth participation in the fulfilment of the right to nutrition information and access to healthier, safer, affordable, responsible and less wasteful food for adolescents in Indonesia.
This commitment is realised through the Youth Nutritative (Nutrition Innovative) batch II initiative. Youth Nutritiative II is a continuation of the previous Youth Nutritiative programme which focused on issues such as healthier food choices, food labelling, food categorisation, and accessibility.

The programme is implemented from August to December 2024 by involving youth organisations from various backgrounds and issue focuses to collaborate in creating an ecosystem that supports the right to nutrition information, and access to healthy and sustainable food.

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