Halo, sobat remaja! Di episode RISETalk kali ini, kita akan membahas topik “Kesehatan Mental atau Karir ?” Yang akan dibahas ditemani oleh narasumber kita yaitu kak Wilda Kumalasari. Kak Wilda merupakan mahasiswa magister psikologi di Universitas Gadjah Mada. Sebagai seorang...
Halo sobat remaja! Kalian pasti sudah nggak asing lagi dengan penyakit diabetes. Penyakit gula ini biasanya dikenal menyerang orang dewasa yang berusia 45 tahun ke atas. Faktanya tidak demikian. Diabetes melitus bisa diderita oleh siapa saja, bahkan remaja sekalipun. Apalagi...
Halo Sobat Remaja! Di RISETalk kali ini, MinRISE akan mengajak kalian membahas topik yang tentunya relate dengan problematika masa kini. Kita akan berdiskusi tentang bagaimana cara menjadi pribadi yang bijak di era globalisasi bersama Kak Firzan Nisnanda atau kerap dipanggil...
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is a Swiss-based foundation, formed at the UN general assembly in 2002 with the vision of a world without nutritional problems. GAIN works with governments, the private sector and civil society to improve the food system so that it provides more nutritious food for everyone, especially the most vulnerable.
Girls4Change is a program providing education and empowerment for young women which aims to increase their self-resilience, and strengthen their skills as leaders so they are able to voice their rights and dissect the construction of gender inequality in society. This module was developed to guide facilitators or peers in facilitating four interactive discussion sessions with adolescent girls as participants.
The Hearing Forum is a meeting forum for community representatives which aims to accommodate and explore the challenges and needs of the community as actors receiving interventions or policies related to KIA issues.
RISE Foundation believes that youth is a critical asset to the future of the country. Therefore, we continue to strive towards developing Indonesian youths’ potential by providing more opportunities for them to participate and voice their rights.